Secure Data Destruction
Servicing Businesses & Homes in the Greater Boston MA areas, and throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and the surrounding New England areas.
Reasons for Hiring Secure Data Destruction Professionals For Your Business & Home
Professional, secure data destruction gives you the confidence that important personal or client information never gets into the wrong hands. At Box-Q Electronics, we have years of experience creating solutions for all kinds of e-waste. There are many examples of data that our clients want to destroy off of their hard drives. Some examples include:
Personal financial information
Passwords and logins
Proprietary information on a product
Employee email records
Client records
Credit card numbers and PINs
ID numbers
Securely Destroy your Data
Simply hitting the “delete” button does not remove personal and sensitive data from your hard drive. Neither will taking a sledge hammer to it. Data can still be recovered from hard drives even after you attempt to destroy it. Your undestroyed and highly sensitive data could lead to calamity for both a consumer and, most certainly, for a business. To prevent this, our professional staff adheres to strict protocols and utilizes a state-of-the-art hard drive shredder, ensuring complete and secure data destruction.
Securely destroying your sensitive data is not a cost; it is an investment in your future.